Turning Concepts into Cinematic Masterpieces

Elevate your brand with photography and video production services by Inverted Work. Our Production Team has the technical expertise and creative passion to exceed your expectations and deliver valuable assets for your business. Explore our range of production services and let us help you tell your story like never before.

Our Creative Production Services

Whether you’re aiming to capture the essence of your brand through stunning photography or tell your story through captivating videography, our creative production services are tailored to bring your vision to life.


Capture the essence of your brand with our professional photography services. From product shots to corporate headshots, we specialize in creating visually compelling images that tell your story and resonate with your audience.

of articles with images get more views than those without
0 %


Bring your brand to life with our expert videography services. From promotional videos to event coverage, we specialize in producing high-quality videos that engage, inform, and inspire your audience.


more shares get generated by social video than images and text combined

Our Production Process

Utilizing cutting-edge equipment and inventive methodologies, we craft captivating visuals and narratives that deeply connect with your audience. Our commitment to transparent communication ensures you’re informed and engaged throughout, guaranteeing the end result mirrors your vision seamlessly.

Whether it’s a promotional video, commercial, or brand storytelling piece, our unwavering dedication to excellence ensures we deliver craftsmanship of the highest caliber. Trust us to elevate your brand, leaving a memorable impact on your audience.

What Makes Our Creative Production Different From Others?

Whether you’re aiming to  refresh your website  or engage with your audience on social media , our team of skilled photographers and videographers is dedicated to elevating your online presence and leaving a lasting impact.

We don’t just create content—we craft compelling narratives that deeply resonate with your audience. Going beyond the surface, we delve into the heart of your brand’s unique identity, ensuring that every photo and video captures its essence. With an unwavering commitment to creativity, authenticity, and innovation, we deliver visuals that make a lasting impression and foster meaningful engagement.

Video Production Image

What Does Creative Production Do For your Business?


Content can help you capture attention faster than words.


Content personalization can help you create a more relevant and engaging user experience.


Brand consistency can help customers recognize and remember your brand, which can lead to trust and loyalty.

Our Work

Video Showcase

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RM 150
  • 1 Photographer
  • 30 Minutes Session
  • Unlimited Shots
  • Max 5 Items Only
  • Idea & Consultation


RM 250
  • 1 Photographer
  • 1 Hour Session
  • Unlimited Shots
  • Unlimited Product / Item
  • Free Edited 5 Photo
  • Idea & Consultation


RM 550
  • 1 Photographer
  • 3 Hour Session
  • Unlimited Shots
  • Unlimited Product / Item
  • Free Edited 10 Photo
  • Idea & Consultation



RM 200
  • 1 Videographer
  • 1 Hour Session
  • Unlimited Shots
  • 1x Video Editing (Max 1 Minute Duration)
  • Idea & Consultation


RM 400
  • 1 Videographer
  • 2 Hour Session
  • Unlimited Shots
  • 2x Video Editing (Max 1 Minute Duration Each)
  • Idea & Consultation


RM 600
  • 1 Videographer
  • 3 Hour Session
  • Unlimited Shots
  • 3x Video Editing (Max 1 Minute Duration Each)
  • Idea & Consultation

Frequently Asked Questions

  • How can high-quality photography and videography improve my brand’s image?

    Professional visual content enhances your brand’s image by showcasing your products, services, and company culture in a polished and appealing way. High-quality photos and videos build credibility and trust with your audience, setting you apart from competitors.

  • How can using professional visual content help in launching new products or services?

    Professional visual content is essential for launching new products or services as it grabs attention and generates excitement. High-quality visuals highlight key features and benefits, making your launch more impactful and successful in capturing the interest of potential customers.

  • What impact does storytelling through videography have on customer connection?

    Storytelling through videography creates an emotional connection with customers by humanizing your brand and making it relatable. It allows you to convey your brand’s values, mission, and unique story, fostering a deeper connection and loyalty with your audience.

  • Why is consistent visual branding important for my business?

    Consistent visual branding helps create a cohesive and recognizable brand identity. This consistency builds brand recognition and loyalty, making it easier for customers to connect with and remember your brand across various platforms and touchpoints.

  • How can product photography enhance online sales?

    High-quality product photography can significantly enhance online sales by providing clear, detailed, and attractive images that help customers make informed purchasing decisions. It reduces uncertainty and increases the likelihood of a sale.

  • How does creative production influence SEO and online visibility?

    Creative production enhances SEO by providing high-quality, relevant visual content that can be optimized with keywords, alt text, and metadata. Search engines favor websites with engaging and multimedia content, improving your online visibility and ranking.

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